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Mexico Websites
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Mexico Websites

Lorena's Note: As we'd hoped, our readers are now sending us excellent website recommendations and useful Mexico internet links. These links will eventually be added to the appropriate topic sections throughout the People's Guide website. To get you started quickly, however, we've gathered the newest website suggestions onto this page.

July 2001

Bahias de Huatulco - Pam Vigil and Geri Anderson

"Hidden along the beautiful coast of Oaxaca, you'll find Bahias de Huatulco,
a jewel of a resort, developed with an eye toward ecological preservation.
Although a Fonatur project, the Pacific Coast in this southern part Mexico
is less promoted and therefore less well known than other beach resorts.
This is surprising, since it consists of 35 kilometers of coastline,
including 9 bays and 36 beaches, each with distinctive personalities."

Merida: White City of the Yucatan - Marvin Perton

"The early inhabitants of Merida 'discovered' a plant that had been a
well-known staple to the indigenous Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula: henequen
(agave sisalana). A versatile, spiky, cactus-like bit of green that yielded
valuable hemp, it soon earned the name "green gold" (verde de oro) because
of the wealth it lavished upon the millionaire hacienderos who farmed this
cash-rich crop."

To assist the global dialogue about environmental travel and ecotourism, the website <> has created specialized forums focusing on environmental travel and tourism around the world.

Espadaña Press web site:

Features Missions of the Month and has an online archive, indexed by region, of Mexican monasteries, churches and other Spanish colonial monuments or artworks. Also features Guidebooks to Colonial Mexico. A sample of the places lists include:
•Yucatan :Mayan Missions including Merida's La Casa de Montejo;
•Central Mexico: Cuernavaca Cathedral (Morelos)
•Chiapas: Cathedral of San Cristóbal de Las Casas
•Oaxaca: Santo Domingo
•Puebla-Tlaxcala: Ahuahuaxtepec
•Western Mexico: Atotonilco (Guanajuato) & Lake Pátzcuaro (Michoacán)

April 2001

Just as we were celebrating the demise of the glorietta in Mexico -- They are deciding to put them in the US: <> David "El Codo" Eidell

February 2001


I absolutely love your publication and recommend it to anyone asking about Mexico.

For your next publication, please consider adding these two sites to your "For More Information" section. <>. has been in existence for three years providing information for residents and visitors about Mazatlan, Sinaloa. Our emphasis is a little more on the budget side and historic centro and less on the Golden Zone area of Mazatlan.

Also under "Discussion Groups," please consider mentioning our email list called MazInfo. Also in existence for about three years, it is open to the public and a great way to share information about Mazatlan. I started the list manually three years ago, then moved to egroups 6 months ago and it has now been purchased by Yahoo. Free subscription by sending email to: <>

Thanks and keep up the great work! Rick

•Forget DEET

Check out and take a look at Crocodile! Bug Discouragent. It is an herbal formula and works great on no-see-ums. Recommended by Dan Siegel (Lorena's note: I have some Crocodile and I will be trying it out at a bug infected beach next week.)

•An interactive free spanish course


also this Spanglish website is a howl


•Bus Travel in Mexico

•Auto Transportes de Baja California

The websites above were recommended by El Codo

Hang Gliding in Mexico


Stories by John Olson about Hang gliding in Mexico

•Exploring the Pinacate Biosphere Reserve - Ron Mader

•Weather Chart

"Here is a really cool URL for a weather site that offers weather forecasts in the form of color charts for temperature and precipitation.

The great part about the site is that regions are segmented, and it is possible to zoom into a particular area and really glimpse the latest projection forecast.

I especially like the long-range aspect which covers a considerable period of time into the future. Recommended by David "El Codo" Eidell

•Playa del Carmen

A clear, comprehensive website on Playa del Carmen, that starts you off at the airport, givens you choices of the easiest or cheapest ways to get to Playa and then has lots of information on what's happening when you get there. Rcommended by Nina Rutledge

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©1972-2001 by Carl Franz & Lorena Havens