The People's Guide To Mexico

Past Notebooks

Carl's Mexico Notebook

19 January 2000
Lake Chapala
Jalisco, Mexico


On January 01, Lorena and I emerged safely from our Y2K bunker, saw our shadows, and like good ground hogs immediately returned to our work. Taking a cue from anxious survivalists, we’d laid in quite a supply of emergency rations: 2 liters of extra virgin olive oil, 8 pounds of popcorn, several mystery novels (in Spanish of course) and a box of instant flan. This surplus won’t see us through the millenium, but at least we’re off to a good start.

After many late nights, Lorena has just uploaded significant additions to this website. Her update includes excerpts from our book, The People’s Guide To Mexico, and new sections on Women In Mexico, Adventure, and several other important topics. There’s also a good batch of letters from our readers, with some very interesting questions and personal travel experiences. Check out the !NEW! page for a list of all the latest additions.

If your daydreams include moving to Mexico, either permanently or part time, don’t miss Budget Living In Puerto Vallarta, Part One of our interview with Robert and Dehorah Foster. We also have more on-the-spot interviews with gringos living in Mexico, coming soon....

RV nomads take note: Gerry and Maureen Recksiedler sent us a great article on vagabonding in northwestern Mexico, with detailed campground descriptions. I’m hoping their generous contribution will inspire other overland travelers to write up travel reports and personal campground reviews. We welcome photos and maps, too, but please email us before sending large attachments.

Surely I’m not the only GPS user in Mexico? How about creating a collection of GPS waypoints on the People’s Guide website? Do we have a volunteer....

As you browse through the People’s Guide site, you’ll notice a distinctive new icon beside some of the articles and recipe titles -- --. This icon tells you that the article or information is actually located on David McLaughlin’s Mexico Connect website.

In addition to Mexconnect’s excellent discussion forums, David and his many collaborators have amassed a huge library of articles, recipes, photographs, travel reports and useful message threads.

As we all know, an amazing wealth of knowledge and experience is available on the internet. The trick is to first find it, and then sift the good stuff from all the rest. It’s ambitious, but our goal is to point you to the top Mexico resources and most interesting information -- wherever they are found. With this in mind, we hope to offer similar link-ups in the future between the People’s Guide and other important “compadre” sites.

That’s about it for now. As always, we look forward to your comments and suggestions. If you have burning questions about moving to Mexico, please email us at

all the best,
Carl Franz

Mexico on a thin budget?


©1972-2002 by Carl Franz & Lorena Havens